The Zero Waste Lifestyle

Hello all,

In this post we will be exploring the new movement  called “Zero Waste”

The zero waste lifestyle is popular because it saves the environment and your wallet. When people start using reusable items, not only are they saving the environment, they are also saving some serious money. Think about how many items you dispose everyday, paper cups, napkins, paper towels, etc, all of these items could be substituted for non-wasteful alternatives.

I became intrigued in this lifestyle because I I have become to hate buying things that only have a short self life. It really doesn’t make sense to buy things that are only going to last for one use. So I did some research for some alternatives. The first thing I bought were cloth napkins. I use these for lunches at work, as well as doing some light cleaning in the bathroom.  The next thing, which is what my sister bought, were reusable cotton rounds.  I hadn’t realized how many cotton rounds my sister and I used in a week. We had just gotten into the habit of use buying convenience cotton rounds.  Now that we have gotten reusable ones, we have saved $4 dollars every week. I also like that we are not adding unnecessarily to the landfill.

So if you are interested in this, there are a lot of information on the internet. On very good website is “Trash is for Tossers,” by Laura Singer. She also had a Ted Talk about why she become so passionate about this movement, which can be very inspiring for the rest of us.  The next website is the Zero Waste Home, which is great for home life and even has a book to help guide you to a more zero waste life.

However, the most important thing in any lifestyle change is to take small steps everyday. Instead of using paper towels, find old towels to clean up everyday messes.  Try to cut out a coffee run, or bring your own mason jar to the bartender. Bring your own lunch to work everyday. By doing small things, we can make big changes to the envionment.

I hoped you enjoyed this post and will see you soon,



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