How to Create Your Dream life


To start out this blog, I thought I would write about how to create your dream life. I am just starting mine. Obviously, I am not at the point where I can say that I am living my elegant dream life, but I am making conscientious steps to achieving what I want in life.  That is the reason that I started this blog, so that all of us can go on the journey together to achieve our dream life.

So today I am going to be sharing some tips that  01d9da615b4f098339c2129f60e2cd8f05826e3123
I am using to help me plan and set goals for myself.

  1. Reflect on what you want in life.  What I want in life is different than what you would want, that is just fine. Try to visualize where you are going, do you want to be a mother, author, doctor, photographer, cafe owner, etc. Try to be as imaginative as possible as this will help with the next step.
  2. Plan. Obviously, you can’t imagine your dream life, you have to be proactive. Try to make a bucket list of what needs to be done so you can create your dream life. The first item on your list might be saving up more money for the job or career you want. Maybe finding another job so that you can have more money in investing in your dream career.  Make sure your plans are somewhat complete, so as it acts like a road map, getting you to your destination. Obviously, you can’t plan everything, but at least you have an idea of what you need to do.
  3. Set up goals. Making plans but never fulfilling them is why most people do not achieve their dream careers or life. I know this is so true for myself. I have so many plans, but fail to accomplish the goals I set up for myself.  It is so much easier to plan and set up goals, but so hard to follow on them.  But as you are writing your goals, keep visualizing yourself in the future when you have achieved your goals and are living your dream life. This has helped me so much as I am working on my goals.
  4. Do and reflect. Now it is time to put your plan and goals in action. Yes it will be tough. I am still working to accomplish my dream life, and can honestly say I am not there yet, but I am working hard to achieve it.

Aright, that is all for this post. I hope this post has been beneficial , as we all strive to have a beautiful, fulfilling life.

See you in the next post,


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