We are well into the new year now. But I wanted to post on what my intentions for the year are. A new year brings so many opportunities. It is in a sense a fresh start. We have twelve months to do something if we dedicate and discipline ourselves.
So here are some of the things that I want to do this year divided up into categories.
Relationships– This year i want to have more rich relationships with my family and friends.
To not be afraid– I have a clear vision and intentions, but then I get worried about how people will perceive what I do or make. Sometimes this fear alone makes me not want to work so hard. I need to let this fear go and just start and do. As I am getting older and the days are becoming shorter, I know that now is all the time that we have, and we must use it wisely. We can do amazing things if we allow ourselves not to be overcome by fear.
Fiction– I want to have completed my last book in ‘Written in Litters” series and start editing it for publication. I also want to have my other book series, ” Upon a Dream,” drafted and the book that I am working on “Scherzo on Troubled waters” to be in first professional draft by spring.
I also want to continue to work on my nonfiction eBooks. I won’t disclose what they are just yet, but I am working on them and they should be ready by next year.
Courses to Take
My aim is to be a life long learner. There is so mush to learn and appreciate in the world that we live in.
Photography– I would like to learn more about this subject and get a diploma in it by Spring. I know this will be useful for my blogging and other things that will come later.
Web and Graphic Design– I love drawing and know that these skills will be useful for my websites. I learned some, but still need to learn more so that I can make my websites even more beautiful and functional
Music Theory– I love music and would like to learn more about the structure and history of music this year.
I hope that you got some inspiration from what I would like to accomplish by December. Let me know in the comments what you would like to do or accomplish by the end of the year.
As always, have a great day,
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