Have you ever wondered what your life should be? Some of us see others doing what they love and wonder how we are ever to find our purpose.
How do you find your purpose in life? Does it suddenly magically appear after finishing college or getting a epifiany?
Well, I am here to say that finding your purpose in life is on-going. Throughout our lives we have different purposes, suited to our stages in life. However, finding your purpose is important if you want to live your dream life. You will never be truly happy if you think something is missing from your life.
Back when I was a teenager, just starting an online college education program, my sister and I were encouraged to go though a work book called “Life Purpose Planning.” Throughout the workbook, I was encouraged and challenged to find what talents and gifts I have that I could use in the future for the glory of God. It wasn’t easy. At the time, I was painfully shy. I didn’t have any confidence to do anything that I wanted to do. Part of it was fear, the fear that I wouldn’t be good enough to do what I felt was my calling, and the second part of it was having the fear of what others would think about me.
Looking back, I wish I knew what I know now about myself and transfer it to my shy, insecure seventeen year old self. All I knew at that time was that I loved to write and had a passion for art and music. But none of them really manifested in any real purpose.
So to find your purpose in life it is just as important to look inward as well as outward. What do you enjoy doing? What have others commented that you are talented in? Remember just because you are talented in a certain area does not automatically mean that it is what you are supposed to do for the rest of your life.
Here are some tips to help you discover your purpose in life.
1. Find what drives you – What makes you come alive? What is the thing that you think you cannot not do? This then can translate into what you are passionate about.
2. Find what energizes you. Do you light up when you get to do what you love? When we do what we love and enjoy, we radiate.
3. Who do you want to help? Sometimes we can find our purpose in life by finding people we would like to assist. Do you have a passion for missions, teaching, or nursing? Then finding how you can help those specific sets of people can help you discover your passion.
4. Ask someone to guide and mentor you in your journey. This can be really helpful if you don’t have a clear idea of what you like to do. This person can help you see your strengths and guide you towards finding your purpose based on what you enjoy doing.
Remember these are only a few tips on how to find your purpose. You will need to do some searching your yourself to find what you feel called to do.
May we all be like Eric Liddle whose famous saying was,” When I run, I feel His pleasure. ” Let our purpose be driven by the fact that whatever talents and gifts that we are given, whatever event or situation we are in or overcoming, we will use everything we have to the Glory of God.
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