On Being Grateful

Welcome back Lovelies!    

Today we are going talk about Being Grateful.  I haven’t been very active as usual, with the reason being that Hurricane Irma disconnected us from the internet for almost a week, and after all the stress and relief, it was hard to get back into the routine of blogging again.

So this is the perfect time to think about having gratitude in the face of disaster. And I do have a lot the be thankful for as we didn’t lose power during the duration of the storm, and we didn’t have significant damage to our house. We were some of the fortunate ones. I know that there are still many others that are still getting their lives back together after this storm, even almost three weeks later.

Having gratitude is being happy and content, even though things aren’t exactly perfect. It is the knowledge that things are much better than total disastrous and counting on the blessings that one has at that one moment.  So often we are focused on only the negative outcomes, and don’t focus enough on the positive.

So when you are faced with hardships, try to be grateful for what you haven’t lost, your family, friends, your house, etc., rather than focusing on what you don’t have or can’t control.  Even though I couldn’t control not having Internet, I was so thankful, that we still had a house, running water, food, and electricity.  My sister and I watched a lot of movies that we had forgotten about, and listened to our collection of music CD’s.

I will just end with this, just think about three things that you can be thankful for everyday, and then you can see that we really do have a rich and wonderful life.

Have a great week,

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